The installation VIA explores the industrial and the personal, how these two worlds are simultaneously in tandem and opposition. The title “via” references its two definitions: a plated hole in a circuit board that allows information to pass from one layer of the board to another, and the preposition “by a route that touches or passes through; by way of.” Each sculpture examines a system of color–from video games to Martha Stewart’s color charts at Kmart to the afternoon sky. Western Sky/ The Sky Color of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle at 4 p.m., October 23-29th is based on phone interviews with residents in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle about the sky color at 4 p.m. every day for a week. In the Diptych Via/ Navajo White to Tusk Tusk, Moonlight Sonata to Blue Waltz, Delicate Yellow to Celandine, with Via/ Lee, Mom, Chris, Liz, Jessica and Lisa’s least favorite color, the New Hampshire sky color at 4 p.m. described by Mom over the phone, the color of my morning pee I create my own system for determining color, matching hardware store paint chips with my own version of those paint chips.
Via (Southern Exposure, San Francisco)
Diptych: Via/ Navajo White to Tusk Tusk, Moonlight Sonata to Blue Waltz, Delicate Yellow to Celandine, with Via/ Lee, Mom, Chris, Liz, Jessica and Lisa’s least favorite color, the New Hampshire sky color at 4 p.m. described by Mom over the phone, the color of my morning pee,
2001, hand-dyed, hand-stitched cotton, 80 x 60 x 15 in.
VIA diptych detail
Both pieces in this diptych have stitch patterns based upon different layers of the same circuit board. The vias (plated holes that allow information to pass from one layer of a circuit board to another) are the same pattern on each piece, while the two layers of the circuit board function completely differently.
VIA, installation detail, Southern Exposure
San Francisco, California, 2001
VIA, Southern Exposure
San Francisco, California, 2001
2001, hand-dyed, hand-stitched cotton, 80 x 60 x 15 in.